Te Ara Awataha Greenway Celebration

Hosted by Eke Panuku and supported by Kaipātiki Project

Did you ever think that such a concrete jungle could have a secretly thriving ecosystem?

Northcote's new greenway and housing development is pioneering sustainable development in Auckland. With a newly daylighted stream at its heart and forest regeneration surrounding it, a green walkway has been created which links separated reserves and creates wildlife corridors in the urban jungle.

Since 2019, Kaipātiki Project has been involving the community in ecosystem regeneration along the riverbanks. Now, we invite you to join us in celebrating the opening of the greenway with a fun-filled day of music, games, food, and activities for the whole whanau. Kaipātiki Project will be holding THREE stalls to showcase the natural wonders that make this new greenway so incredible.

Nerd out at our Stream Care Station with live fish in aerated tanks, microscopes, water bugs, and water testing equipment. Get your hands dirty planting seeds at our Native Plant Station while learning about native and weed plants. Lastly, visit our Ecosystem Station to discover what playing JENGA has to do with ecosystems.

You'll find us near Cadness Loop Reserve. Look out for Kaipātiki Project gazebos!

We can't wait to see you there!

This is a free event, and no booking is required.

Thank you to our supporters for making it happen!

AC+Eke Panuku + KLB LOGO


Cost: FREE
Panuku Jessie Tonar Resv 0242