Welcome to our Mahuru newsletter. The name Mahuru is a shortened version of ‘Te ahunga o uruao’ which means the new generation of whitebait. Another name for September is Hepetema.
As an essential service looking after plants, individual team members pop into our nursery sites to check on the plants, with rain being a great help. At home, the team has been planting vegetable seedlings ready to go in our garden once back, planning to plant the remaining plants since planting season is almost over, creating stunning garden signs (by one of our garden volunteers), participating in Strengthening Communities Hui taking collective action on climate change, and much more.
In early September Kaipātiki Project also signed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Declaration: a commitment to the advancement of the SDGs in Aotearoa. The SDG Declaration recognises the urgent need to foster collaboration and support pathways towards the SDGs in Aotearoa, with Te Tiriti o Waitangi underpinning our actions. The SDGs are designed to be "A blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all people and the world by 2030". Read more about Aotearoa SDG Summit here.
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