On behalf of Aotearoa New Zealand, the Department of Conservation led the development of Te Mana o te Taiao - Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020. View full document here.
We are humbled and proud that some of our work features in the strategy document (page 30). This is the testament to our impact to-date and is very encouraging to continue to deliver on our vision to revive nature and live lightly on this planet.
"Te Mana o te Taiao has been designed for all of us who live in Aotearoa New Zealand to own and implement. There is a place for everyone to be involved, no matter how big or small their contribution. By working together towards common goals, we can achieve much more than we would alone," the Department of Conservation says. Sharing this sentiment, we also believe that knowledge and skills lie with many, therefore we, at Kaipātiki Project, create opportunities for sharing and exchanging.
Our work would have not been possible without the support and collaboration with our whole ecosystem of supporters we work with: our passionate volunteers, partners, community groups, generous funders and sponsors, knowledgeable teachers and advisors, students and participants and all other supporters who encourage us along the way. THANK YOU!