EcoFest: Te Aka Kōtuia: Annual Nurseries Hui 2025

Hosted by Uru Whakaaro

Join us for the annual Te Aka Kōtuia Nurseries Hui, open to all nurseries across the Auckland region. This hui is for all people who grow native plants, including kaitiaki, community, private backyards and school nurseries. Aspiring nurseries and volunteers are welcome.

We will be hosted at Kaipātiki Project EcoHub, where they have their own community native plant nursery nestled alongside the beautiful ngahere of Eskdale Reserve. The hui will be facilitated by Te Aka Kōtuia, set up to support our kaitiaki and community nurseries across Tāmaki Makaurau.

The morning session will include whakawhanaungatanga and getting to know who is working in this space, and the afternoon session will include hands-on workshops in the nursery.

This event is whānau/tamariki friendly and kai is provided. We are also happy to contribute to transport costs if that is a barrier.

We would like to acknowledge Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau for their support of this event.


Cost: FREE
See below for event times and book your spot.
Date Time Location
10:00am - 15:00pm
Kaipātiki Project EcoHub, 17 Lauderdale Road, Birkdale
Book now