Network North Web Banner

We facilitate workshops, resource sharing and collaborations, to help build the internal capacities and external impact of those working in sustainability across North Auckland.


Zero Waste - Restoration - Carbon Footprint - Energy - Food - Water - Infrastructure - Transport - Wellness - Community - Climate Action


Many organisations working in the sustainability space in North Auckland are working towards similar goals or within overlapping localities. There is also overlap of resources needed, skills needed and even funding applications. These overlaps present both challenges and opportunities to our individual capacities and our collective impact in the region.

Our aim:

Network North aims to foster communication and catalyze real collaboration and resource sharing, so that where there are overlaps we all can overcome challenges together, and maximise opportunities. 

What we do:

Through a series of online and in-person events, we facilitate workshops and discussions that focus on capacity-building topics that have been chosen by the group. Out of these workshops we have started to create an online resources toolkit which we will continue to build on. We have also created a shared whatsapp group to enable quick and informal communication between members.

View the 2023 Report


What next:

We hope to continue Network North into 2023, even without funding. The lack of funding presents both a challenge and an opportunity. At the final Network North event in 2022, participants agreed that the network offered great value, and that it would be worth continuing informally, even without funding. At least three people in attendance offered their organisation's venues to host further events in 2023.

Please contact us if you'd like to be involved in Network North this year.

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This project is funded by:Auckland Council logo ecofest north 2020