Para Kore Zero Waste
A zero waste world is one where resources are valued and nothing is wasted. Northcote residents and businesses have the potential to lead the way in protecting Papatūānuku and inspiring others to reach the goal of a zero waste Auckland by 2040.
Grown from a desire by mana whenua to see their aspirations for Para Kore/ Zero Waste in Te Ara Awataha realised, the Zero Waste Northcote programme began in 2019. In 2020 Robyn Forryan came on board as the Para Kore Zero Waste Activator in Northcote working with the community to encourage conversations about reducing waste.
Zero Waste Hub was set up in 2021 and served as an excellent starting point, connecting us with those already on the journey towards sustainability. In 2023 we moved away from a fixed hub to work more closely within the community and continue delivering a series of activities across Northcote. By venturing into community places, we can be more connected and responsive to local needs.
Wanna talk some rubbish?
Contact us at [email protected]

We, the Community Climate Action Network, invite you to our second “Collaborate for Climate” event. This informal hui will be focused on sharing climate projects happening across the region while connecting groups and individuals working in this space.

We’re thrilled to announce that we have an overflow of bikes in need of repair, and we’re calling on skilled bike mechanics and enthusiasts like you to help us...
Where can I recycle these odd bits?
- Curtain bank collection point is at Barfoot & Thompson Northcote. Please note they cannot take blinds – Roman or Venetian blinds.
- Coffee capsules: Fill your Nespresso NZ Post Recycling Bag with used capsules and return to any PostShop
- Ink cartridges: Warehouse Stationery
- Batteries recycling: Northcote Library
- Polystyrene: Mitre 10 and Abilities Group
Check out the MAP, developed by Zero Waste Hub Wairau, where to rehome, repair, and recycle common items.
A big thank you to Kaipatiki Local Board, Eke Panuku Development and Auckland Council for funding and continuing to support the Zero Waste initiative in Northcote, including the role Eke Panuku Development played in providing the free rental for the former Zero Waste Hub space.
Ngā mihi nui!