New look. Same passion for nature
22 August 2019

Born from the passion to ‘weed the bush’, Kaipātiki Project is coming of age and now celebrating its 21st birthday, the occasion that has welcomed a new look. Inspired by Puawānanga New Zealand Clematis, the new logo represents a layered integration of experiences, diversity, continuous learning, and of course our passion for nature’s revival.
Inspiring and empowering people to share in nature’s revival, we want to remain relevant and easily accessible to diverse groups of our community. In addition to expanding the Kaipātiki Project team, we have also revised our strategy, refreshed our website and other digital channels to more effectively connect with like-minded people and share our stories.
About Kaipātiki Project:
- Based in Auckland’s North, Kaipātiki Project is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation, inspiring people to restore our native plants, birds, bugs and fish.
- Along with our regular volunteers, we run a thriving native plant nursery at Birkdale and Hobsonville Point sites, growing plants for sale and restoration activities.
- We facilitate amazing ecosystem restoration initiatives, such as planting and weeding days, stream care and pest control management.
- We enable people to live sustainably through practical and inspiring environmental workshops and events for different age groups.