Community Gardening Sessions

by Kaipātiki Project

Join your local community to grow our local food gardens - together! Whether you’re experienced or just starting your journey, come and join us for one of these free workshops.


If you’ve had any lingering questions, we’d love to answer questions or give you some advice.

  • 24 March: Highbury House - Sowing and transplanting seedlings
  • 7 April: Birkdale Community House - Growing in clay & Improving soil fertility
  • 21 April: Bayview Community House - Composting troubleshooting
  • 28 April: Glenfield Community House - Growing in small spaces, pots &containers

All sessions are from 10:30am - 12pm.

Come to one or come to all! Please make sure to book to attend these free events.

Cost: FREE
Gardening v2
About the sessions

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