Eco Nappy Service Presentation
by Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste & Eco Nappy Service
Come along and find out how using cloth nappies can be easy peasy! A simple change from disposable nappies to cloth nappies can save thousands of nappies going into landfill each day. Its a small change that can make a huge difference.

We all know how hard it can be juggling the life of a parent, and the idea of switching to cloth nappies or even starting out using cloth nappies can be daunting. The added stress of washing and drying another load can seem too much at first. That's where the Eco Nappy Service comes in, Solange has a thriving business where she takes care of the hard work for you, cleaning, drying, and dropping off clean nappies at your door step.

Come along and hear all about the services that Solange provides via the Eco Nappy Service for parents and for Early Childhood Centres.


eco nappy




Cost: FREE
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