Ngau-te-ringaringa - Eco-Corridor Team

Hosted by Restoring Takarunga Hauraki

This Ngau-te-ringaringa Eco-corridor includes some mature plantings especially at Wakakura and small areas of Achilles reserve, significant planted forest at Ngateringa park as well as newly planted areas along Seabreeze road, in the golf course (Alison Park), around the pump track, and at Plymouth Reserve.


You can help:

  • by volunteering for our weekly planting or weedbuster days - enjoy the views, the shade, the birdsong and just being with others in a beautiful place.
  • by creating a ‘halo’ around these corridors by planting native trees on your property, or your verge and by keeping your property clear of pest weeds.
  • by volunteering for predator control efforts
  • by joining our 5 minute bird counts twice a year to track progress


To register, please email [email protected] or text/call 027 359 6722.

For updates on RTH's activities, sign up to their weekly newsletter or join the Facebook group!

Cost: FREE
Ngau te ringaringa Eco Corridor Team Web