Pest Weed Hit Squad

by Pest Free Kaipātiki

The Pest Free Kaipātiki Pest Weed Monday Morning Hit Squad (try saying that fast five times!) heads out to selected sites every Monday to track down highly invasive weeds.

Moth plant, woolly nightshade and madeira vine are just some of the culprits on the hit list. All are welcome to attend, especially during EcoFest North. Come and learn to identify and eradicate pest weeds in our native bush and on private property in the halos around our significant ecological areas!

After the mornings raid, at about midday, we get together for a coffee and a chat.


Please note that these events take place on Auckland Council Reserves and therefore a Vaccine Pass is required.

To register, email [email protected]


PFK logo 2020 CMYK

Cost: Free
Ways with weeds