Different Dinners. Try simple and tasty plant-powered dinners
Recipes provided
FREE food bags with fresh produce available

Different Dinners

Calling all meat-lovers ready to embark on a culinary adventure.

Explore the joy of a balanced diet with delightful plant-based meals. Good for our wellbeing and the wellbeing of our planet. Let's make a tasteful impact together!

Your invitation to make a difference

It’s easy, and all in the comfort of your home!  Try something different, even if just for one day a week.

  • Swap one or more weekly meat-based meals with plant-based dinners for a month. We’ll provide you with recipes to try out.
  • We invite you to participate in research to learn from your experience.
  • To be eligible you currently eat 4+ meat-based dinners per week and are willing to give it a go.
  • Sign up to Different Dinners challenge here.

Due to popular demand, the Different Dinners challenge is now full.


About the trial and the evaluation

You will receive two online surveys about your current eating habits, some basic information about you and any changes you've made over time. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely for evaluation purposes.

You will receive the first survey at the start and the second survey in a few months.

In collaboration with Auckland Council, this trial will help us track your progress and learn from your experience. Your dedication and insights are invaluable, and we really appreciate your involvement in this journey towards a healthier, more sustainable future. Thank you for your time and commitment to making a difference.

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