Nature education. Hands-on experience
Working with schools
Working with community


Every year we deliver sustainable living workshops, events and experiences open to everyone. The new fit-for-purpose EcoHub enables us to continue our education for sustainability, strengthen our connection with people and build communities as we strive to foster a sense of stewardship for our living planet.

Our modes of learning are shifting to online spaces to complement our face-to-face interactive courses and workshops. 

Working with schools

Are you an educator looking to provide hands-on, nature-based learning experiences?

We invite schools, youth and community groups to join us in our mission to enhance conservation and sustainable living skills, engage in citizen science, and make a positive impact through volunteer efforts.

Each session offers interactive activities in our teaching garden, nursery, and te taiao, designed to connect students with nature.

Customise the experience to align with your educational goals and outcomes, and create the perfect learning journey for your students!

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Kaipātiki Project-led activities

A Kaipātiki Project educator will guide your tamariki through hands-on learning activities focused on regenerating nature and sustainable living.

Regenerating nature topics:

Sustainable living topics:
Discover native birds Climate and carbon sinking
Learn about pest control Where do seeds come from
Science in te taiao Composting, worms and more
Native plants and their journey Study bugs under a magnifying glass
Weeds and their impact Pare kore zero waste
Stream care and monitoring Growing kai and garden wisdom

Teacher-led activities

Kaipātiki Project can provide resources for you to run your own activities in our local area:

  • Ngahere walk: Walk through Eskdale Reserve. Map and talking points included.
  • Birdwatch and picnic by the stream: Map and 5-minute bird count activities provided.
  • Explore the garden and nursery: Challenge cards for the learners and adults to choose from

Talk to us about your needs. Mix & match the topics from each category or the style of activity you're after, based on the age of learners and learning outcomes.

Working with businesses

We regularly welcome Corporate Volunteering groups, comprising enthusiastic employees who understand the impact of their contributions to bush regeneration and nature restoration. These volunteers play a crucial role in our mission to create a sustainable future.

Corporate volunteering offers employees a chance to step out of the office and into nature, where they can directly aid in conservation efforts. Activities like planting native trees, removing invasive species, and maintaining walking tracks all help restore and protect our natural habitats.

Our volunteers gain a deeper understanding of environmental issues and the importance of sustainability, fostering team building and corporate social responsibility.

Express your interest in Corporate Volunteering here.

Corp volunteering