We run community regeneration activities at Waipareira Bay or Clearwater Cove Reserve, including its adjacent wetlands near the West Harbour Marina. Recognised by DOC as one of Auckland's most significant estuarial wetlands, it unfortunately suffers from neglect and invasive weed infestations. This area serves as a haven for animal pests like rats and possums, posing a direct threat to local wildlife, including elusive species such as the Moho Pererū/NZ Banded Rail and Tuturiwhatu/Banded Dotterel.
Waipareira Bay or Clearwater Cove isn't just another coastal area—it's an ecological gem. With its diverse coastal saline, wetland, and forest ecosystems, it provides crucial feeding and nesting grounds for coastal waders and marsh birds. Its rarity in Auckland's landscape makes its preservation all the more critical. Its strategic location fosters connectivity between fragmented natural environments within the upper and inner Waitematā Harbour, offering a vital refuge for biodiversity.