A series of community gardening workshops hosted by Highbury House, facilitated by Judith from Kaipatiki Project. 1-2.30pm including tea and coffee with question time. Each week will cover off a different topic.
- 8th May - Seeds: How to save your own seeds and grow from seed. We will provide plenty to work with, but we can also invite Participants to bring in any seed heads and seeds they have to process and share. (it’s the right time of year, and this way we can get some seeds going at start of series.
- 15th May - Soil health: Creating healthy soil is the foundation of your healthy garden. We will cover composting in this workshop, as well as working with clay soil.
- 22nd May - Container gardening: You can grow a lot of food in containers, so this is ideal for those living in apartments or renting. Everyone will get the chance to plant up some seedlings in a pot to take home.
- 29th May - Maintaining plant health: How to keep your plants healthy and making the most of harvesting for the table.