Celebrate Matariki 2023

Come together for a time of reflection, honoring our ancestors, and preparing for the upcoming year.


We will be seeing in the Māori new year with three special events:

Matariki Restoration Day at Eskdale Reserve

- Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have unfortunately had to cancel this event -


Lantern Making at Kaipātiki Project EcoHub

  • Thursday, 13 July
  • 12pm - 2pm
  • We will be learning how to make lanterns for Matariki and recognising it’s significance in the Māori calendar and in our lives.

Matariki Planting Day at Eskdale Reserve

  • Saturday, 15 July
  • 10am - 12:30pm
  • This experience is all about connecting with community, friends and whanau while also connecting with our ngāhere, as we plant up native ecosystems.


These events are part of a community collaboration: Matariki ki Te Whenua Roa o Kahu (11 July - 22 July) and Matariki Events 2023.

Please register you place today, as spaces are limited. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi nui

Cost: FREE
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More about Matariki

The Principles for Matariki

Matariki is a time of reflection, celebration and preparation. The three key principles for Matariki are:

Matariki Hunga Nui (Remembrance)

Honouring those we have lost since the last rising of Matariki.

Matariki Ahunga Nui (Celebrating the Present)

Gathering together to give thanks for what we have.

Matariki Manako Nui (Looking to the Future)

Looking forward to the promise of a new year.


Matariki Kāinga Hokia - Matariki calls you home

The theme for 2023 is Matariki Kāinga Hokia.
This year, we are encouraged to return to our whānau and our people, wherever and whoever that might be. We are to journey back home and celebrate, feast and be with whānau and friends.

Furthermore, the theme is underpinned with important environmental messages. The various stars in Matariki invite us to return to where we are from and reconnect with the mountains, rivers, ocean and land. It reminds us of our responsibility to the places we call home.
This information was gathered from the Matariki website:

More about Matariki ki Te Whenua Roa o Kahu

This is a collective effort by local communities, mana whenua, and matāwaka organizations in the Kaipātiki local board area. Our mission is to come together and acknowledge a special public holiday - Matariki; a time of reflection, honoring our ancestors, and preparing for the upcoming year. We present a platform for cultural engagement, education, and celebration, promoting inclusivity and unity among our diverse communities. Matariki ki Te Whenua Roa o Kahu will span over 11 days, beginning with a Hautapu ceremony at Te Kamaka Marae (Hato Petera college) on 11 July 2023, at 6am.

Over 11 days of the event series, community members of all ages and backgrounds are invited to participate in the lantern making workshops, volunteers planting day and much more.

The event series will conclude with a closing ceremony on 22 July at Te Kamaka Marae (Hato Petera) where Matariki lanterns prepared across various community centres and libraries will be showcased. Everyone is encouraged to join a community hikoi. Please assemble outside Northcote library with your lanterns from 5pm for the hikoi.


More about our efforts at Eskdale Reserve

Eskdale Reserve is a special reserve in that it is one of the largest Significant Ecological Areas (SEA) in Auckland, it also has a particularly impressive biodiversity for its size and location, and it hosts and protects the Eskdale Stream which feeds directly into the ocean at Kaipātiki Estuary and Sunset Bay. Working and volunteering at this reserve directly contributes to 5 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals:

 3 health and wellbeing 11 sustainable cities13 climate 14 below water 15 life on land