Waipapa Stream Planting Day

Waipapa Stream | Parnell

THIS MATARIKI: Join us for a fun and satisfying day near Waipapa Stream in Parnell, as we plant native plants and regenerate this marginal ecosystem in the heart of the city. Tie in your planting day with a trip to the museum, or to one of the many cafes that Parnell is renowned for. Sign up below and don’t forget to invite your friends and family!

This is another great opportunity to do something during Matariki, planting trees in your local community. You’ll be able to keep visiting Waipapa Stream, in lower Auckland domain, and watch your impact grow year after year! The plants you put in the ground this season will strengthen the precious native ecosystem, stabilise river banks, provide habitat to local wildlife, beautify the community, and capture carbon from our atmosphere.

Thank you to our event funder: Waitemata Local Board

Cost: FREE
See below for event times and register.
Date Time Location
10.00am - 12.30pm
Waipapa Stream in Parnell Gully, south end of the carpark next to Parnell Railway Station
Book now
Our Work at Waipapa Stream

What a great way for you to make a positive impact on the environment, right when the planet really needs you! Volunteering at Waipapa Stream contributes to 5 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals:

3: Good Health and Well-Being 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land






Bringing Nature Back to the City
Since 2019, Kaipātiki Project has been working alongside local volunteers to regenerate the native ecosystems along the historic Waipapa stream in Parnell. It's been such a wonderful opportunity to get involved in an area that desperately needed (and still needs) some hardworking hands! With invasive plants smothering large areas of bush, and with so few safe-havens left for native wildlife in the city, this little strip is a high-impact area, where our work and yours can be appreciated by the many people who walk by it every day.

Would you like to get involved?

Regeneration of this unique space continues throughout the year, well beyond planting season. In fact, planting days are just the cherry on top, where regular regeneration days are the whole cake! Join us for "the whole cake" and see what it takes to keep our local ecosystems thriving:

Waipapa Regular Regeneration Days

These events are a great opportunity to connect with the community and with nature, while becoming a highly knowledgeable, seasoned-hand at native bush regeneration.