Zero Waste Hub Open Day for Mandarin Speaking Community
零废物中心,26 Pearn Place Northcote
- 12点-下午2点 注册免费堆肥课程:请把您的名字,联系电话和参加人数短信发送到0274-229922,活动码230729。参加课程可以得到一个折扣码用来购买您自选的堆肥设施。
- 上午10点-中午12点 可持续艺术展及早茶。
- 学习如何减少垃圾和浪费
- 我们可以解答您关于新的社区堆肥垃圾桶,垃圾回收和堆肥的相关问题。
- 带上你的问题和要回收的废旧电池
Saturday 29th of July 2023, 10am - 2pm
Zero Waste Hub, 26 Pearn Place Northcote
- 12 - 2pm Free Composting Workshop. To register please text: 0274-229922 and leave your name, contact number, number of people joining, activity code 230729.
- Attend the workshop and get a discount code to buy a composting system of your choice.
- 10am - 12pm Sustainable art play, and morning tea.
- Learn about how you can reduce your waste...
- We will answer your questions about the new council composting bins, recycling, and composting.
- Bring your questions and your batteries for recycling!