This event occurred on the 1st of September 2022. Thanks to all who participated! Please find a brief reflection on the event, and how to get involved in our shared campaign, beneath this invite.


Invite: Join us for the next Network North event, focusing on a Marketing and Communications collaboration.


We are excited to be running our 6th Network North event on Thursday the 1st of September.

Our last event was a focussed discussion around marketing and comms. There was some great sharing of information and learning from each other. Network North has always aimed to foster collaboration, and our discussion at the last event saw this becoming actionable. Our event on the 1st of September will be a collaboration-focussed event, where we will co-design a small-scale shared marketing campaign (as a follow-up to last month’s event). We would like to encourage anyone who is able, to join in this action-oriented event.


This event is for anyone wanting to be involved. Those who missed the last event will be caught up quickly. Those outside of comms and marketing roles will be integrated into the campaign launch, and more, they may see a blueprint for future cross-organisation collaboration, within their roles, outside of comms and marketing.


Communications and Marketing Event 2: Collaboration

1 September, Time: TBC

Venue: Zoom meet


Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to be involved in the planning of this event.

Please forward a link to this page to anyone who you believe should be included in these events, thank you.


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