Clearwater Cove Planting Day

Clearwater Cove | West Harbour


THIS MATARIKI: Join us for a fun and rewarding day at Clearwater Cove Reserve in West Harbour, as we plant 400 native plants within the unique and threatened coastal-edge ecosystem. Add this to your Matariki calendar. Sign up below and don’t forget to invite your friends and family!

This is your chance to get involved in climate action by getting some native plants into the ground! Clearwater Cove Reserve is a great place to visit, and will be made all the more special when you can watch the trees you planted grow, year after year! The plants you put in the ground this season will strengthen the precious native ecosystem, stabilise coastal edges, provide habitat to local wildlife, beautify the community, and capture carbon from our atmosphere.


Thank you to our event sponsor and funder: Glasgow Contractors and Stout Trust.


View more Kaipātiki Project 2024 Planting Days ↗️

Cost: FREE
clearwater cove
Our Work at Clearwater Cove

What a great way for you to make a positive impact on the environment, right when the planet really needs you! Volunteering at Clearwater Cove contributes to 5 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals:

3: Good Health and Well-Being 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land






Recognised by DOC as one of Auckland's most significant estuarial wetlands, Clearwater Cove Reserve and its adjacent wetlands are a high priority project. Our ongoing work in this area serves to strengthen this fragile ecosystem and support the rare and elusive native wildlife that call this reserve home: species such as the Moho Pererū/NZ Banded Rail and Tuturiwhatu/Banded Dotterel.

Coastal reserves play a critical role in nature, and have become disastrously rare worldwide! With its diverse coastal saline, wetland, and forest ecosystems, clearwater Cove provides crucial feeding and nesting grounds for coastal waders and marsh birds. Its rarity in Auckland's landscape makes its preservation all the more critical. Its strategic location fosters connectivity between fragmented natural environments within the upper and inner Waitematā Harbour, offering a vital refuge for biodiversity.

Would you like to get involved?

Regeneration of this unique space continues throughout the year, well beyond planting season. In fact, planting days are just the cherry on top, where regular regeneration days are the whole cake! Join us for "the whole cake" and see what it takes to keep our local ecosystems thriving:

Clearwater Cove Regular Regeneration Days

These events are a great opportunity to connect with the community and with nature, while becoming a highly knowledgeable, seasoned-hand at native bush regeneration.