Thank you to everyone who attended the Behaviour Change workshop and to those helped in co-creating a future session about Funding & Income.


Part one: Behaviour Change Workshop

This practical workshop was designed and presented by Cole Armstrong and Suzi Goodwin from NeuroSpot, an Auckland-based behavioural insights agency. The workshop was tailored to the Network North group, with participants bringing their own behaviour change projects in to consider and to work on during the event.

For those interested in applying behaviour change tactics in your work, take a look at the following PDF resources which have been made available by Neurospot and Auckland Council:


Neurospot Resources:

Designing for Behaviour Change - network north presentation

Designing for Behaviour Change – choice architecture


Auckland Council Resources:

Behaviour Change - network north presentation with links to resources


More Resources:

Don't Mess With Texas Case Study

Green Nudges report - UN



Part Two: Co-Create Session for Funding & Income

Many participants stayed on for the co-create session. We used Google Jamboards to facilitate collaboration, and referred to the questions, ideas and comments captured during our first NN event, Building Blocks, to guide the discussion.

The key theme which came across during the co-create session was the desire to collaborate more: to map out ways to reduce competition between environmental organisations going after similar funding, to develop a collective advocate for enviro groups’ funding, and to find ways to support smaller groups. We hope to create an event which answers to this.

The next Network North event, Funding and Income, came about as a direct answer to this cocreation session.


Discussions on the evening brought about more ideas on how to build on Network North:

  • Meeting time: We created polls to vote for suitable meeting times for events.
  • WhatsApp group: To better connect with each other for quick questions, sharing resources, asking for advice etc. in a less formal way a WhatsApp group was created. To join the group, click here.

-posted on the 10/05/2022

Behaviour Change time with details



 Visual Summary:

 Network North 1 540 1080 px visual summary 540 540 px

2 v2

 3 v2





Building blocks back button v2back to other past events